Public Transport Competence Agency continues the cycle of qualification improvement seminars for certified specialists in the main areas of construction technical activity and for everyone who wants to learn more about transport communications and their planning. This year we will organize 7 professional development seminars.
Sh. m. March 18 we invite you to the seminar “PAMP WHAT IS IT?” ” (Environmental impact reduction measures).
The seminar is conducted according to training program no. coordinated with the Ministry of the Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. M-168-19-TKA “Training program for improving the qualifications of managers of the main areas of technical activities of the construction of the Public Institution Transport Competence Agency”.
During the seminar, information will be provided on legal acts regulating environmental impact assessment, health impact assessment, determination of NATURA 2000 significance, noise management. Overview of environmental mitigation measures. The subtleties of application, selection, design and installation of these devices, errors that occur and their solutions. Presentation of examples of good practice from other countries and presentation of innovations in reducing traffic noise.
The time of the seminar (5 hours) will be included in the mandatory qualification improvement time. A certificate confirming this is issued.
The price of the seminar is 110 EUR. VAT is not applicable.
The place of the seminar is I. Kanto st. 25, Kaunas.
We invite you to register for the seminar by filling out the registration form below:
More information is available here