The evaluation methodology for the installation of signs with a green arrow at a red traffic signal is being changed – from now on, municipalities that have made a decision to install signs will have to apply to the Transport Competence Agency (TKA) within 5 working days for their coordination.
Those municipalities that have installed signs without consulting with TKA must do so by April 22. Otherwise, the tables will be considered inconsistent and will have to be dropped.
During the months of February and March, TKA received requests from 10 municipalities to evaluate the possibilities of installing signs at intersections. 141 tables were assessed as a matter of urgency, the results of these assessments were presented to the municipalities.
Objective criteria are established in the assessment methodology for the installation of tables with a green arrow, which are equally applicable to all Lithuanian municipalities. When evaluating the feasibility of bringing back the tables, data on traffic flows at the intersection, collected during the busiest hour, as well as traffic safety and traffic capacity, ie the average time it takes a car to pass the intersection, are taken into account. Each sign provided at the intersection is evaluated individually.
You can find the evaluation methodology for tables with a green arrow at a red traffic light here >> .
The change in the methodology was established by the order of the director of TKA, which you can view here >> .