After comments appeared in the media about the fees of the Transport Competence Agency (TKA), their drastic increase and the collapse of the aviation business, we want to provide a bit more detailed explanations and refute the untrue information by answering the most frequently asked questions.
Why are TKA fees changing?
TKA service rates are calculated according to a special methodology approved by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania – it establishes the obligation to recalculate fees once a year taking into account the costs incurred by the institution in the previous year. So the new fees are based on 2019. The costs incurred by TKA, and not, as some articles claim, the planned budget for 2021.
2019 was the first year of operation of a new institution – the Public Transport Competence Agency. They showed that the fees need to be fundamentally revised – operational processes were analyzed, discussions were held with aviation maintenance specialists, how long it takes them to provide one or another service, so the current TKA fees actually correspond to the costs incurred by the institution.
Were the fees accepted as a matter of urgency?
The fees were not adopted as a matter of urgency – on the contrary, their final approval took time due to long discussions with representatives of the aviation sector. We had the first meetings on the issue of tolls back in February, then communication took place constantly – both in person and remotely.
Representatives of aviation associations CAVIA and LAVIA always participated in the discussions – we presented to them the logic of toll recalculation, which was approved. We appreciated their constructive comments and took them into account in the final version.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the discussions lasted longer than expected, but even during the quarantine TKA organized remote meetings and discussed toll issues and responded to comments from aviation sector representatives.
How much have tolls increased?
The general increase of all TKA fees is about 12-13 percent, but the situation of each of our clients with the fees provided for them is individual. We have customers for whom the annual maintenance fee has dropped significantly due to changes in fees, for example from 40 thousand. EUR up to 7.5 thousand. Eur.
How does TKA contribute to helping the aviation sector during the pandemic?
Due to the negative impact of COVID-19 on the aviation sector, TKA postponed the payment deadline for annual maintenance services until November 1 in the spring. – until then, economic entities had to pay for annual maintenance by June 1.
As this date approaches, TKA once again took into account the situation in the aviation sector and the second wave of the pandemic. Knowing the date of entry into force of the new fees, we were flexible about the payment term and issued invoices for annual maintenance services when more favorable fees for a specific customer were in effect, e.g. airline companies are billed by November 1. – until the new service prices come into force.
Therefore, none of our clients will experience an increase in taxes this year – just some clients received bills that are lower than last year.