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The spring weather attracts more and more road users to the streets, more and more people choose to travel not by car or bus, but by bicycle, scooter and on foot. The traffic safety specialists of the Agency for Transport Competences conducted an analysis of data on cyclists injured in traffic accidents in 2022 . During it, the circumstances and consequences of cyclists involved in traffic accidents were determined.

9 out of 10 cyclists involved in traffic accidents were injured

After evaluating the data of the performed analysis, it was found that in cases where the consequences of cyclists involved in traffic accidents are known, as many as 87% of cyclists were injured: 90% of them were lightly injured, and 10% were seriously injured. In addition, the obtained data showed that cyclists accounted for 4% of all participants killed in traffic accidents and 9.5% of all injured participants.

Despite the fact that an increasingly positive trend is visible and compared to 2021, the number of cyclists killed in traffic accidents decreased by more than half (55%), but the analysis showed a 9-fold increase in the number of injured electric bicycle drivers since 2019. It should also be noted that more than half (60%) of cyclists killed in traffic accidents last year were middle-aged people aged 45-64.

Road traffic rules are also the responsibility of cyclists

Cyclists, like pedestrians or car drivers, are equal traffic participants, therefore, regardless of the way a person chooses to travel, knowing and following the rules of the road is mandatory.

It is important to remember that alcohol consumption affects not only when driving a car or other motor vehicle, but also affects concentration, stability and, of course, safety when driving a bicycle or scooter. According to our analysis, almost every 10th traffic accident injured cyclist was drunk. Therefore, it is clear that this factor is extremely important and bicycle drivers should not choose to travel by bicycle while intoxicated.

It also found that 13% of cyclists were injured when traveling in the same direction as other vehicles. These circumstances show that there is still a lack of cycle paths and cyclists have to press the pedals while driving in traffic lanes, where car drivers do not always pass cyclists at a safe distance.

Cyclists, remember to take care of your safety and the safety of others and before hitting the streets:

  • put on a helmet
  • don’t forget reflective accessories
  • make sure your bike is in good shape
  • remember the traffic rules and follow them