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The 2021-2022 international BASELINE project “Collection of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for road safety” ( EU project BASELINE Collection of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for road safety ) (hereinafter referred to as the BASELINE project) ended and the official results of this project were announced in March 2023.

• Project duration: 2020/07 – 2022/10.
• The aim of the project is to determine the values ​​of the main traffic safety indicators of the European Union (hereinafter – EU) member states.
• 28 institutions from 18 EU countries participated in the project.
• Traffic safety indicators were collected in accordance with the methodologies provided by the European Commission, and they were calculated by scientists who specialize in statistical calculations. These methodologies were applied by all 18 EU countries participating in the project.
Traffic safety indicator EN* Description of the traffic safety indicator
KPI 1 Speed X Percentage of vehicles traveling at the speed limit
KPI 2 Seat belts X Percentage of vehicle occupants and drivers correctly using seat belts or child restraint systems
KPI 3 Use of helmets Percentage of drivers and passengers of motorized two-wheeled vehicles and cyclists wearing helmets
KPI 4 Sobriety of drivers Percentage of drivers who do not exceed the legal blood alcohol level while driving
KPI 5 Driver distraction
(not using phones)
X Percentage of drivers not using a handheld mobile device
KPI 6 Car safety X Percentage of new passenger cars with a Euro NCAP safety rating at or above a pre-set threshold
KPI 7 Road safety X Percentage of distance traveled on roads with a safety level above the agreed limit
KPI 8 ambulance X The time from when an ambulance is called to when it arrives at the scene of a traffic accident
* The indicators selected by Lithuania


The EU countries participating in the BASELINE project had different experiences in setting road safety indicators at the national level, some of them set such indicators continuously and have many years of experience (for example, Sweden, Czech Republic, Austria, etc.), and some countries (for example, Bulgaria, Luxembourg, Cyprus and Malta ) so far did not collect and calculate these indicators or had minimal experience in determining traffic safety indicators at the national level. Therefore, it was important to prepare such methodological requirements for determining indicators that could easily be applied by countries that do not have that much experience, but at the same time would not significantly contradict the methodologies used by the member states that have been setting indicators for some time.

The countries participating in the project faced challenges:

  • The COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on the results of the project – the goal of the BASELINE project was to obtain traffic safety indicator values ​​(KPI estimates) reflecting the normal traffic intensity and traffic composition in the country, the performance of certain studies had to be organized during the period when due to the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions had no or little impact on normal/usual traffic flows.
  • complex cooperation with third parties. For example, when determining the time of providing emergency medical aid after a traffic accident, some countries encountered difficulties in transferring information collected by medical institutions, or with inadequate quality data needed to determine indicator estimates. When establishing the “Driver sobriety” indicator, it was recommended to collect data in cooperation with the traffic police, but some countries faced problems in organizing the collection of this data in accordance with the minimum requirements set out in the methodology.
  • Some countries could not properly, i.e. i.e. in accordance with the minimum requirements established in the methodologies, to calculate certain traffic safety indicators, as their country did not have the necessary sample values ​​to determine the indicator.
  • and etc.

All the results, achievements and challenges of the BASELINE project, which were faced by the countries participating in the project in setting the indicators, were described in eight traffic safety indicator reports and are available on the project’s website .

Summary of project results (in Lithuanian) >>> HERE