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Application form for obtaining an air traffic controller, air traffic controller student license, qualification and/or qualification approval, approval/renewal/extension:

Application form (to be completed by computer)

Application form (printable)

The application for obtaining a duplicate license is submitted in a free form.

The assessment of determining the level of Lithuanian language proficiency is carried out by the Public Transport Competence Agency.


When registering, you must specify your name and surname. The appointed time of assessment will be communicated through the given contacts.

Arrival or joining the exam

The registered person must arrive at the exam venue at the specified time or join the remote meeting. You must have an identity document with you (passport or identity card). A person who is late for arrival or joining at the specified time may not be accepted to take the exam.

Issuance of certificate

The certificate is issued or information about the refusal to issue a certificate is provided no later than five working days from the day of the exam.

Submission of complaints

A complaint regarding the examination for determining the level of Lithuanian language proficiency can be submitted no later than within 30 calendar days from the date of receipt of the certificate or information about the refusal to issue a certificate in the following ways:

You can find more information about determining the Lithuanian language proficiency level here: Information for persons taking the Lithuanian language proficiency assessment exam.

Terms and deadlines for processing applications

The administration process takes 13 working days. The deadline is calculated from the date of receipt of the correctly completed application and appropriate documents. The deadline may be longer if the application form was filled in incorrectly and/or if the documents were not submitted or submitted incorrectly.

Public Enterprise Transport Competence Agency reserves the right to return an improperly submitted application to the provider, which the provider will have to submit again.

Documents to be submitted with the application:

For an air traffic controller learner license
1. Original and copy of passport or personal identity card;
2. Original and copy of medical certificate;
3. Original and copy of the initial training completion certificate (basic training and qualification(s) training);
4. Basic training exam and assessment documents;
5. Exam and assessment documents for each qualification;
6. Lithuanian and English language proficiency originals and copies of level assessment documents.
ATCO.B.005 for air traffic controller license 1. Original and copy of passport or personal identity card;
2. Original and copy of medical certificate;
3. Air traffic controller student license;
4. Unit training completion documents;
5. Assessment documents for knowledge and understanding of theory;
6. Assessment documents.
To obtain additional departmental approval; 

To update unit approval

1. Air traffic controller’s license;
2. Unit training completion documents;
3. Assessment documents for knowledge and understanding of theory;
4. Assessment documents.
For extension of unit approval 1. Air traffic controller’s license;
2. Documents for the completion of the knowledge update training;
3. Evaluation documents;
4. Competence assessment documents.
To get OJTI / STDI / appraiser’s approval, update 1. Air traffic controller’s license;
2. OJTI / STDI / evaluator training completion and evaluation documents;
3. Documents proving that the licensee has used the rights granted for at least 2 years.
OJTI / STDI / for extension of appraiser’s approval 1. Air traffic controller’s license;
2. OJTI / STDI / evaluator knowledge update training completion and evaluation documents.
To obtain, update, extend language approval 1. Air traffic controller or air traffic controller student license;
2. Originals and copies of Lithuanian and/or English proficiency assessment documents.
For the exchange of licenses issued by other EASA member countries to a license issued by the Republic of Lithuania  1. Original and copy of passport or personal identity card;
2. Original and copy of medical certificate;
3. Air traffic controller or flight controller student license;
4. Originals and copies of Lithuanian and English proficiency assessment documents.
To obtain a duplicate license 1. A free-form application in which the circumstances of the license’s disappearance must be explained;
2. Documents confirming the loss of the license.


The service is provided only upon receipt of proof of payment.

When you come to pick up your license, you must have a personal identification document with you.

The services of the Transport Competence Agency are paid for in advance – that is, before the service is provided – by indicating the name of the service and the payment code in the payment order.

Payment code Name of the service Amount of payment, in euros
5.1. for air traffic controller 3 :
5.1.1. issuing a learner’s license 67
5.1.2. issuing a license 149
5.1.3. grant/renewal/extension of unit approval 149
5.1.4. granting of additional qualification or qualification approval 149
5.1.5. granting/renewal/extension of on-the-job training instructor (OJTI), complex simulator instructor (STDI), assessor, language  proficiency approvals 149
5.1.6. license change due to a change in the applicant’s personal data (surname, address, etc.) 14
5.1.7. issuing a duplicate license 34
5.1.8. evaluation of the Lithuanian language proficiency level 61
 Note . A total fee of EUR 150 is charged when granting/extending/updating several unit approvals/qualifications/qualification approvals/language proficiency or instructor approvals at the same time

Payment details:
VšĮ Transporto competencies agency
Company code 305598608
VAT payer code: LT100013737411
Account for aviation administrative services payments: LT757044090100659769
AB SEB, bank code 70440

Purpose of payment – it is necessary to indicate the name and code of the service.

Persons who wish to receive an invoice for the service provided must contact e-mail by mail to [email protected] and submit a completed form about the payment made.
We’re sorry, but we don’t issue advance invoices.

Specific amounts of remuneration for the administrative services provided by the Public Enterprise Transport Competence Agency in 2020. October 26 confirmed by the Minister of Transport.

Frequently asked questions ( FAQ EASA – ATCO Licensing )