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  • Different concepts arise: drone operator (ie, owner) and remote pilot (ie, the person who flies the drone). It can be the same person.
  • All owners of drones (whose devices have a camera or weigh more than 250 g) must register in a special TKA system >> and mark their own drone or drones with the unique number received. The owner registers once, regardless of how many drones he owns. The registration fee is 10 EUR.
  • Flights are divided into three categories: open (with sub-categories A1, A2 and A3), special and certified, with different requirements for flights and remote pilots.
  • In order to obtain a permit to fly a drone in the residential areas of the European Union, you need to familiarize yourself with the theoretical knowledge course in the TKA online system >>, pass an online exam in the same system and obtain a certificate confirming this (certificate price – 10 EUR).
  • In order to fly in the A1/A3 subcategories of the open category, it is enough to pass the online exam and get a certificate confirming it (price – 10 EUR), in the A2 subcategory you will additionally need to pass the exam in the TKA class (exam cost – 16 Eur, registration >> ).

From 2020 December 31 all persons owning an unmanned aircraft (UAS) weighing more than 250 grams or using video or audio recording equipment must register as a UAS user in the TKA online system.

A drone operator needs to register once, regardless of how many UAS they own.

Both a natural person and a legal entity can register as a drone user.

A person who registers in the TKA system receives an authentic UAS user registration number with which he must tag all the drones he owns. The code must be readable without the aid of optical devices from a distance of at least 2 meters.

If for objective reasons (the size of the drone, structural features, etc.) it is impossible to display the number in the required size, it can be smaller or displayed on the included parts (e.g. battery).

The price of UAS user registration is 10 EUR.

From 2024 On January 1, when new drones are marked with Class C markings, the same code will need to be entered into the e-identification system.

From 2024 January 1 all drones for sale will be divided into classes. When purchasing an unmanned aircraft, you will need to pay attention to its class and CE marking, as this may determine the choice of flying category and additional requirements for flights.

IMPORTANT! As long as drones are not designated by classes – that is, until 31 December 2023 – the A1 subcategory of the open flight category will fly drones weighing up to 500g, and A2 – up to 2kg.

Examples of drone classes:

C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 and C6
 < 250 g (including cargo), electrically driven. 

For example, DJI Mavic Mini, DJI Mini 2).

The owner needs to register in the TKA online system, there is no need to take an exam.

< 900 g (including payload), electrically powered, must be equipped with an immediate remote identification device that should provide the following information in real time: user registration number, serial number of the drone, its geographical position, altitude and take-off location, course of the drone and geographic location of the remote pilot. 

For example, the DJI Mavic Air 2.

The owner needs to register in the TKA online system. The pilot has to pass a theoretical knowledge course and pass an online exam.

< 4kg, (including cargo), must be electrically powered, have a remote identification device attachment. 

For example, DJI Mavic 2, DJI Phantom.

The owner needs to register in the TKA online system. The pilot has to pass the theoretical knowledge course and pass the online exam, and after completing the independent practical training, pass the exam in the TKA exam class.

 < 25 kg (including cargo), maximum characteristic dimension must be less than 3 meters, electrically driven.  < 25 kg (including cargo), but this class has less requirements than C3. It is intended for model drones. < 25 kg (including cargo). These aircraft are operated according to standard scenarios. 

1) Class C5 must meet all the requirements of Class C3, except that the aircraft’s maximum attainable altitude must be limited to 120 meters and no geo-orientation function is required.

2) Class C6 must meet all the requirements for class C3, except – the maximum height of the aircraft must be limited to 120 meters, no geo-orientation function is required, the unmanned aircraft does not have to be powered only by electricity.








EASA_CO_without camera

EASA_CO_with camera


EASA_C2_with low speed mode

EASA_C2_without low speed mode



The owner (user) of an unmanned aircraft can transfer control of his aircraft only to a person who has the necessary competence and all mandatory permits to operate an unmanned aircraft.

In the event of an incident, the responsibility for it rests with the owner of the drone.

If the drone is leased or transferred, transfer documents or agreements are required.

The most popular category of drone flying that does not require a separate permit for each flight. Basic requirements:

  • Check prohibited and restricted areas where you cannot fly and do not fly until the permission of the manager of the relevant area is obtained;
  • Keep out of sight of a flying drone;
  • Keep a safe distance from outsiders and animals;
  • If an unmanned aircraft injures a person or flies into a prohibited area, it is mandatory to immediately inform the controlling authority;
  • Follow the requirements of the drone manual.

The open category is divided into three more subcategories – A1, A2 and A3, which are subject to different requirements.

Flights subcategory A1 A2 A3
  You can fly over individual outsiders, densely populated areas, you can’t fly during mass events. 

The requirement for class C1 is an online theoretical knowledge course and an online exam.

It is possible to fly over densely populated areas. 

The requirement is an online theoretical knowledge course and an online exam, and additionally an exam in the TKA exam class.

It is possible to fly outside densely populated areas, where there are no outsiders
Unmanned aircraft class (to be designated from 2024) C0 with camera or privately built drone with camera C0 without camera or privately built drone without camera C1 C2 and C2 with low speed mode C3 or C4 or privately constructed
Weight < 250g < 250g < 900 g < 4 kg < 25 kg
Steps to be taken by BO owners and pilots: 1, 2, 3 3 (C0 without camera) 1, 2, 3, 4 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4
Description of steps: 

1. The owner of the drone must register  in the TKA online system >> ;

2. The authentic registration number of the aircraft owner must be clearly visible on the drone and uploaded to the remote identification system (the e-identification system requirement applies from 01.01.2024);

3. It is necessary to familiarize yourself with the instructions of the manufacturer of the drone;

4. You need to go through a theoretical knowledge course and pass an exam in the TKA online system >>;

5. It is necessary to independently prepare and pass the theory exam  in the TKA exam class >> .

additional information Do not fly over crowds of people and minimize flights over individual outsiders as much as possible. It can be flown with a horizontal distance of at least 30 meters from bystanders or a distance of at least 5 meters when the low speed mode function is activated. Flying is permitted by maintaining a safe distance between the drone and people, animals and other aircraft. Also maintaining a distance of at least 150 meters from residential commercial, industrial and recreational areas.

During the transitional period, i.e. until drones are classified by classes (until December 31, 2023), the A1 subcategory flies drones weighing up to 500 g, and A2 – up to 2 kg.

In subcategory A2, the 1:1 rule should be applied – if the flight of the drone is planned at an altitude of 120 m, then the minimum horizontal distance of 120 m from outsiders.

Ensures that the drone’s green flashing light is on when flying at night (requirement effective from 1 July 2022).

During the transition period, subcategory A2 has an additional requirement to keep 50 meters away from outsiders.

There are no changes in sub-category A3 during the transitional period.

Requirements for remote pilots wishing to fly in the open category:

  • The pilot can be at least 16 years old;
  • All pilots must familiarize themselves with the drone manufacturer’s instructions, learn to operate the drone according to the recommended safety rules and pass an exam according to the flight subcategory;
  • For A1/A3 subcategory flights, it is enough to go through the theoretical knowledge course in the TKA online system >> , pass the online exam and get a certificate (valid for 5 years).
  • For subcategory A1 flights using a class C0 unmanned aircraft, a remote pilot test is not required.
  • Remote pilots flying in sub-category A2 need to pass a theoretical knowledge course in the TKA online system >> , pass an online exam in it, then complete independent practical training and pass an exam in a TKA exam classroom >> .
  • All remote pilots must familiarize themselves with the documents regulating their activities >> .

Requirements for flights in the special category:

  • This category includes all flights that take off above 120 meters from the ground, when the remote pilot does not see the drone visually, and other flights that do not fall into the open category.
  • A remote UAS pilot must submit a request in the form prescribed by TKA in accordance with 2021. November 5 order no. No. 2-134 “on the approval of the description of the procedure for issuing permits for special category flights using an unmanned aircraft system” Describes Appendix 1 and adds a flight risk assessment. The request is submitted no later than 30 calendar days before the scheduled start of special category flights to the TKA directly, by mail, via courier or electronic means of communication.
  • TKA issues a use permit if, after the application and flight risk assessment, it is concluded that the operational risks have been taken into account, and the combination of risk mitigation measures related to the operational conditions for the flight, the skills of the personnel performing it and the technical characteristics of the unmanned aircraft is adequate and sufficiently reliable for the flight to ensure safety, taking into account the identified risks on the ground and in the air.

Legal entities that frequently operate special category flights may obtain special light UAS operator licenses (LUCs).

The LUC certificate is issued when a legal entity proves that it has the competences – responsible qualified specialists – who can assess flight risks, carry out a security assessment and conduct a flight safely without a separate TKA permit.


To fly in the special category, a remote pilot must:

  • With confirmation of completion of online training, you need to register for an additional theory exam in the  TKA exam class >>  (exam price – 16 Eur) and pass it.
  • The classroom exam consists of 40 multiple-choice questions (or 30 questions if the remote pilot already holds an A2 certificate). The exam will be passed if at least 75% of the questions are answered correctly. all questions. Aims to assess the remote pilot’s knowledge of aviation rules, human capability limits, operational procedures, technical and operational risk mitigation techniques on the ground, general knowledge of UAS, meteorology, UAS flight performance and technical and operational risk mitigation techniques in the air.
  • In the TKA system >> submit an electronic application confirming that you already have a valid certificate of completion of online training and have passed an additional theory exam in the classroom. If this application additionally confirms that independent practical training has been completed, the Theory Knowledge Certificate (STS) is issued with the A2 subcategory, i.e. A1/A3 & A2 & STS, if you have not completed such training – the A1/A3 & STS certificate is issued.
  • Pay for the issuance of the STS theory knowledge certificate (price – 10 Eur).

Examples of drones belonging to the certified category are drone taxi , drones weighing more than 150 kg, etc.

This category includes drone flights in particularly challenging conditions.

Requirements for the certified category:

  • The owner of the drone is required to register in the TKA online system.
  • A certified aircraft must be registered with TKA – airworthiness requirements apply, and drones are registered in the Civil Aircraft Register of the Republic of Lithuania.
  • A remote drone pilot must submit a TKA application online and attach a flight risk assessment prior to flight.
  • TKA issues an operating permit if, after the application and flight risk assessment, it is concluded that the operational risks have been taken into account and the combination of risk mitigation measures related to the operational conditions for the flight, the skills of the personnel performing it and the technical characteristics of the unmanned aircraft are adequate and sufficiently reliable for the flight to ensure safety, taking into account the identified risks on the ground and in the air.

After the entry into force of Regulation (EU) 2019/947, a transitional period of two years is foreseen. To make the procedures easier at that time, in 2020 December 30 The National Standard Script came into force , which applies to:

  • Part Nsts-01 – for flights in a densely populated environment with an unmanned aircraft weighing from 500 g to 2 kg;
  • Part Nsts-02 – for flights in a densely populated environment with an unmanned aircraft weighing between 2 kg and 4 kg;
  • Part Nsts-03 – for flights in a densely populated environment with an unmanned aircraft weighing between 4 kg and 15 kg;
  • Part Nsts-05 – for flights in a densely populated environment with an unmanned aircraft weighing between 15 kg and 25 kg;
  • Part Nsts-06 – flight of bvla in a sparsely populated environment at a height of no more than 120 m above the ground in uncontrolled airspace with an unmanned aircraft weighing up to 25 kg.

The drone operator or remote pilot may submit a declaration to the TKA that all conditions of the National Standard Scenario are met, and the TKA will notify the remote pilot of the declaration received. The Declaration Application form is filled out in the TKA online system.  After receiving the information, the remote pilot can conduct flights under the conditions provided for in the standard scenario without separate TKA permission for each flight.

The terms of the National Standard Scenario expire in 2026. January 1, and declarations can be submitted until 2023. December 31

The main requirements for those who want to use the National Standard Script:

  • It is necessary to pass a theory knowledge exam corresponding to the level of the STS exam – that is, the theory exam in the TKA exam class;
  • Independently prepares and learns the subjects and areas provided for in Table 1 of Appendix A of Chapter I of Appendix 1 of the Regulation.

Drones are prohibited from flying in the air traffic zones of airports and airfields, over strategically important objects, in the border zone and in other restricted zones – map of no-fly zones (unofficial)>>

No-fly zones can only be flown with the permission of the owner of the no-fly zone. Without permission to fly in the airport areas, such flights are considered a serious violation of flight safety. Such a violation is punishable by a fine for the first time, a fine for the second time and mandatory confiscation of the drone.

Even with permission, the rule is that manned aircraft always have priority over unmanned aircraft.

In order to fly in the open category A1/A3 subcategories, you need to obtain an online training completion confirmation in the  TKA online system >>

In order to fly in the A2 subcategory, if you already have an online training completion certificate (A1/A3), you need to additionally pass an exam in the TKA exam class >>

In order to fly in the special category, you also need to have an Online Training Completion Certificate (A1/A3) or a Remote Pilot Qualification Certificate (A1/A3&A2) and pass an additional exam in the TKA exam class >>

Find more information here >>