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Survey of provided Services

Share your experience!

Dear Visitors,

Please tell us about your experience and answer the following questions about the quality of services provided by the Transport Competence Agency of Lithuania (TCA). Your opinion is very important to us, and it will take only a few minutes to fill in the anonymous questionnaire.

1. During the past six months, how often did you use the services provided by TCA?
2. How would you generally rate the level of services provided by TCA?
                        (1  – not satisfied at all; 10 – extremely satisfied)
3. How would you rate the following services provided by TCA?
 (1– not satisfied at all; 10 – extremely satisfied; n/a – not applicable)
1. Aviation medicine services
2. Aviation security oversight services
3. Licensing of aviation personnel services
4. Air navigation oversight services
5. Aircraft oversight services
6. Theoretical examination services
7. Flight oversight services
4. If you rated any provided service from 1 to 5, please indicate the reasons behind your evaluation:
5. While evaluating the services provided by TCA, please rate the following statements:
             (1 – not satisfied at all; 10 – extremely satisfied; n/a – not applicable)
1. The location of the agency’s building is convenient
2. The working hours of the agency are convenient
3. Information provided by the agency is explicit, understandable and conveniently placed
4. The means of inquiring the agency regarding certain services are understandable and convenient
5. The means by which the agency provides consultations are sufficient and satisfactory
6. My questions regarding a certain service were thoroughly answered
7. Consultations provided by the employees of the agency were useful and improved my knowledge regarding certain regulations and compliance to them
8. Your inquiry was resolved or service provided within the time period indicated in respective legislation
9. Your inquiry was resolved or service provided within the time period indicated in respective legislation
10. The employees of the agency that provided you the service were polite and kind
6. If you rated any provided service from 1 to 5, please indicate the reasons behind your evaluation:
7. If you have any further comments or suggestions regarding the services provided by TCA, please indicate them here: