Taking into account the frequently asked questions about the methods of carrying out traffic flow studies, the institution’s specialists prepared recommendations on how this could be done. In case of additional questions, we recommend contacting the Transport Services Department for consultation.
During the calculations, it is necessary to count the cars driving in all possible directions at the studied intersection. After collecting this data, it is possible to properly evaluate and analyze the parameters of the intersection and select appropriate solutions for conductivity and safety.
It is recommended to perform calculations on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. The remaining days of the week are not recommended due to different travel purposes and their impact on car flows and their daily distribution.
It is recommended to carry out traffic flow studies at the intersection at the most intensive time of the day or at the time when a problem arises in the studied intersection that needs to be solved.
Based on long-term research statistics, the heaviest daily traffic occurs during the morning peak (07:30 – 08:30) and the evening peak (16:30 – 17:30). The evening rush hour in cities is often longer, so the recommended evening rush hour is (4:45pm – 5:45pm). The duration of the investigation at the intersection is 1 hour.
Traffic flow studies can be carried out in 4 different ways:
- Traffic flow data at the intersection is obtained from sensors in the traffic lights or road surface.
- The distribution of traffic flows in all possible directions at the intersection must be assessed.
- Summarize the received research data into the provided filling form (xlsx)
- This method requires information about the existing equipment at the intersection.
- Traffic flow studies are performed naturally by calculating flows in real time while standing at an intersection.
- After using the intersection traffic flow and pedestrian distribution data collection forms , all possible directions of the intersection are marked with numbers and the number of passing cars is estimated.
- Summarize the obtained research data into the provided filling form (xlsx).
- When conducting research with this method, it is necessary to assess whether it is possible to count traffic flows in real time.
- Traffic flows at the intersection are counted by filming them with a video camera.
- Investigations are carried out at the most intensive time of the day, after placing a video camera at the intersection, which covers all traffic flows at the intersection. If it is difficult to film traffic flows with one camera from one survey point, an additional video camera is used to perform measurements. Perform video recording from the most convenient location that covers all or most of the traffic at the intersection. Also, if there is an opportunity, you can use video information that is constantly recorded at the intersection (intersections where video cameras are installed).
- After carrying out traffic studies with a video camera, the obtained data must be processed. The video footage is reviewed and traffic is marked in all possible directions at the intersection. Forms for collecting traffic flow and pedestrian distribution data at the intersection are suitable for marking .
- Summarize the obtained research data into the provided filling form (xlsx).
- Traffic flow studies are carried out using a drone.
- Traffic flows at the intersection are filmed from above with a drone. Such a method is used at the largest intersections, where filming with video cameras at the intersection is difficult and it is not possible to evaluate all directions.
- Summarize the obtained research data into the provided filling form (xlsx).
- This method is the most difficult because it requires a person who can operate the drone. Need technical capabilities to conduct research in 1 hour. Research is affected by weather conditions and time of day.