The updated corruption prevention policy was presented to the employees of the Transport Competence Agency (TKA). It provides guidelines that all TKA employees undertake to adhere to – principles that are followed in work activities, what things are not tolerated in the institution, what special attention is given, what plans are implemented, what other institutions are cooperated in the field of corruption prevention, etc.
The “zero” gift policy is defined in the corruption prevention policy and applied in the institution. It states that TKA employees can only accept such gifts that are given in accordance with international protocol or traditions, or are intended for representation (that is, the symbols of the country or institution are used). Any other gift may be considered an illegal reward.
All gifts given in accordance with international protocol or traditions or intended for representation, accepted by TKA employees are evaluated and registered, regardless of their value.
If you have noticed a case of corruption at TKA, we invite you to report it in the most convenient way for you: